The Job-Room Jobs API
The Job-Room Jobs API provides an additional channel for employers to publish job advertisements to the Swiss Public Employment Services system and thereby to comply with the reporting obligation (
1. Latest change: November, 2022
Occupation codes: Use the most recent AVAM occupation code list. The relevant codes are in column D, not column A.
Filtering by status: You can now filter job ads by status (Filter by status)
Access token: On creation of a job ad, you get an Access token back as a header which allows the owner to view the job ad even if it is restricted.
2. Testing and productive access credentials
For testing:
Do NOT use any confidential data in the test environment but DO use real postal codes.
The URL for the productive API is
Do NOT submit test data to the production environment!
If you have integrated and tested the Jobs API and wish to request productive access credentials:
Send a message with subject "Job-Room API access" to
Specify the company name, address and email, at least one technical contact person with email address and phone number, and user name. Please also specify the expected volume of job registrations.
The technical contact will receive an email with further instructions.
3. Important notes
The recommended format for job descriptions is Markdown formating. You may use simple html tags as well but they will be converted to Markdown. Some markdown references you might find helpful:
Company address: While the Company address is not currently defined as mandatory, we strongly request that this data is included for jobs under reporting obligation. If the address is missing, this causes extra work for the public employment agent.
Postal code validation: The job location must have valid postal code and city data. Validation is based on the Swiss Post, refer to
Phone number validation: The minimum length of a phone number was reduced in order to accomodate Liechtenstein phone numbers. The format is [+][1-9][0-9]{7,18}.
You can find a list of language codes supported by Job-Room at List of supported languages
It is not possible currently to cancel a job advertisement in status INSPECTING. Only cancel job ads in status PUBLISHED_RESTRICTED or PUBLISHED_PUBLIC.
Updating a job ad is currently not supported.
4. General
The Job-Room Jobs API provides an additional channel for employers to publish job advertisements to the Swiss public employment services system. It is an alternative to the web form available at
Companies that wish to use the jobs API will need to request access credentials.
For technical questions regarding the jobs API, use the contact address above. Please provide the name of the company and a technical contact person. For nontechnical questions (e. g. legal, administrative) regarding the job registration requirement, please refer to
5. Jobs registration process
Please read this section carefully as this will avoid many questions and problems!
Under the job registration requirement, from July 1 2018, employers must report job vacancies in Switzerland in certain occupations to the public employment services. The list of occupations that fall under the law can be downloaded from the portal. Regardless of the legal requirement, employers are invited to publish, free of charge, any vacancies on the public job search platforms of the Swiss public employment service - Job-Room ( and Job-Desk ( - as well as on the European platform Eures (
The registration process via the Jobs interface (API) is as follows:
Job ads are published one by one using the Create method.
They are immediately assigned an id and a stellennummerEgov, both serve as unique identifiers within Job-Room.
All vacancies reported to the API must have an occupation code. Based on that code, the system determines whether the job falls under the registration requirement (see List of occupation codes)
If no: the job ad is directly published on Job-Room and will be visible and searchable to the public. The maximum publication period is 60 days. Job ads under publication can at any time be canceled via the API.
If yes: the flag reportingObligation is set to true and the job ad is transmitted to the database of the Swiss public employment service (PES), called AVAM. It is then reviewed and approved by a PES agent (there can be a delay). The competent job center (RAV) is indicated by the jobCenterCode. It may also be rejected, for example if information is insufficient.
After the ad is approved or rejected, an email to the contact person is generated with information about the registration requirement.
The ad may not be published elsewhere for a period of five work days from the date of approval. The last day of that period is indicated in the email message and in the property reportingObligationEndDate.
Approved ads are assigned an additional identifier, stellennummerAvam. In correspondence with PES or Job-Room support, stellennummerEgov is most useful but sometimes stellennummerAvam is helpful. These identifiers can also be used as search terms in the Job-Room job search.
During the blackout period, the ad is not visible to the public, only to registered job seekers.
After the blackout period, the ad is available to the public on Job-Room. The employer may opt out of this by setting the publicDisplay flag to false.
The owner of a job ad may at any time view the state of the data object using the Get method. Important: the properties stellennummerAvam and reportingObligationEndDate aren’t known at the time of submission and the status changes over the life cycle. To retrieve these properties, use the Get method after approval of the job ad. This applies only to those ads that go through validation by the Public Employment Service.
6. API
JobRoom API exposes a simple way to manage job advertisements. It follows RESTful standards like :
Actions on resources are performed through HTTP methods
Resources are exposed with JSON format
HATEOAS architecture is implemented with HAL standard
Basic HTTP authentication
Explicit HTTP status codes
Pagination support
The following chapters explain more precisely some of these concepts and provide examples in how to create, read, and cancel job offers.
7. HTTP verbs
The following verbs are fully supported :
Verb | Description |
Used for retrieving resources, either a single object or a collection. |
Used for creating new resources or performing actions on resources. |
Used for updating existing resources. |
8. HTTP response status codes
Status codes in HTTP responses follow REST standards.
The following table describes examples and precisions specific to JobRoom API :
Status code | Name | Description |
200 |
OK |
Success using GET for retrieving resources. |
201 |
Created |
Success using POST for creating new resources. |
204 |
No Content |
Success using POST for performing actions. |
400 |
Bad request |
Occurs when error in body using POST/PATCH (missing non nullable field, invalid JSON object, wrong object type, validation failed, etc.). |
401 |
Unauthorized |
Occurs when accessing to a protected resource with bad credentials. |
403 |
Forbidden |
The request was valid, but the server is refusing action. The user might not have the necessary permissions for a resource or action. |
404 |
Not Found |
Occurs when requested resource does not exist or when accessing another user’s resource. |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Server encountered an internal error. |
9. Headers
The following headers have to be set for some requests in order to use the API :
Header name | Value | When to use ? |
Every request. |
Always, all API endpoints require authentication (see section Authentication). |
Always. |
10. Authentication
First, you need to get a username and password. |
Authentication is done using HTTP Basic Auth.
Every request to the API must have a header Authorization
with a value constructed like :
Basic Base64(username:password)
Value after Basic
is a Base64 representation of the string containing the username and the password, separated by a colon.
Example :
username : user
password : password
The value of the Authorization
header will be Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==
11. Create a new job advertisement
11.1. Fields
11.1.1. JobAdvertisement
Path | Type | Description | Constraints | Notes |
externalUrl |
String(1024) |
Link to the original website of the job ad |
Optional |
For jobs that fall under the reporting obligation, the ad must not be published elsewhere. |
externalReference |
String(255) |
Your internal reference to this job ad |
Optional |
reportToAvam |
Boolean |
Should the ad be transmitted to the PES (RAV)? |
Required ( |
Usually false. Use this option if you want a PES agent to know about your vacancy |
numberOfJobs |
String(3) |
The number of identical positions |
Optional |
Use this option only if you have a number of identical vacancies. The number will be transmitted to the PES agent. |
contact |
Contact person about the job ad |
Required |
Administrative contact; not for publication, will be treated confidentially |
jobDescriptions |
Array<JobDescription> |
Language specific title and description |
Required 1..4 |
The text of the job advertisement; may be multilingual |
company |
The company that handles the recruitment |
Required |
May be a private placement agency or hiring of services agency |
employer |
The actual employer that offers the job |
Required, if company.surrogate is |
Not for publication, will be treated confidentially |
employment |
Certain employment conditions |
Required |
location |
The work location |
Required |
occupation |
Occupation, education and work experience |
Required |
languageSkills |
Array<LanguageSkill> |
It is possible to define up to 5 language skills required by the job. |
0..5 objects |
publicContact |
Contact person for the job seekers questions |
Optional |
Will be published in Job-Room |
applyChannel |
Different application channels |
Required |
Provide at least one application channel |
publication |
The publication platforms |
Required |
You can control how your ad is published |
11.1.2. Contact
Provide an administrative contact (e. g. an HR employee).
Important: this contact is used for email notifications concerning the reporting obligation. The contact details are not for publication and will be treated confidentially.
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
languageIsoCode |
String(5) |
The language of correspondence |
Required (ISO 639-1), must be one of de, fr, it,en |
salutation |
String(3) |
Required ( |
firstName |
String(50) |
Required |
lastName |
String(50) |
Required |
phone |
String(20) |
Required (Format: +41123456789) |
String(50) |
Only one valid address allowed |
Required |
11.1.3. JobDescription
The text of the job advertisement; may be multilingual
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
languageIsoCode |
String(5) |
The language of the title and description |
Required (ISO 639-1) but only de, fr, it or en |
title |
String(255) |
Job title or occupation |
Required |
description |
String(10'000) |
Job description cannot contain html formatting. Use markdown formating instead |
Required (Max 10'000 characters) |
11.1.4. Company
The company that handles the recruitment. This information is published.
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
name |
String(255) |
The name of the company |
Required |
street |
String(50) |
Provide a street or post office box address |
houseNumber |
String(10) |
Provide a street or post office box address |
postOfficeBoxNumber |
String(10) |
Provide a street or post office box address |
postOfficeBoxPostalCode |
String(10) |
Optional |
postOfficeBoxCity |
String(100) |
Optional |
postalCode |
String(10) |
Required. Must be a valid swiss postal code if the company is located in Switzerland |
city |
String(100) |
Required |
countryIsoCode |
String(2) |
Required (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
website |
String(255) |
Optional (Format: |
phone |
String(20) |
Optional (Format: +41123456789) |
String(50) |
Only one address allowed |
Optional |
surrogate |
Boolean |
Does the company act as a surrogate for the actual employer? |
Required ( |
11.1.5. Employer
If the recruitment is handled by a private placement agency or hiring of services agency, the company.surrogate flag
MUST be set to true
and the actual employer information MUST be provided. This information is required for
administrative purposes and will be treated strictly confidentially by SECO and the Public Employment Service.
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
name |
String(255) |
The name of the original company |
Required |
city |
String(100) |
Required |
postalCode |
String(10) |
Required. Must be a valid swiss postal code if the company is located in Switzerland |
countryIsoCode |
String(2) |
Required (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
11.1.6. Employment
Employment metadata
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
startDate |
String(10) |
When does the job start |
Optional (Format: 2018-01-20) |
endDate |
String(10) |
When does the contract end |
Optional (Format: 2018-01-20) |
shortEmployment |
Boolean |
Is the employment duration 14 days or less |
Required ( |
immediately |
Boolean |
Does the job start immediately |
Required ( |
permanent |
Boolean |
Is the contract permanent |
Required ( |
workloadPercentageMin |
String(3) |
Required (10..100 less or equal workloadPercentageMax) |
workloadPercentageMax |
String(3) |
Required (10..100 greater or equal workloadPercentageMin) |
workForms |
Array<String> |
Special work requirements |
Optional ( |
11.1.7. Location
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
postalCode |
String(10) |
Required. Must be a valid swiss postal code if the company is located in Switzerland |
city |
String(50) |
The (main) place of work |
Required |
countryIsoCode |
String(2) |
Required (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
11.1.8. Occupation
The ad must be coded to an occupation according ot the AVAM occupation list; this determines the reporting obligation.
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
avamOccupationCode |
String(16) |
Required |
workExperience |
String(64) |
Optional ( |
educationCode |
String(8) |
Optional |
11.1.9. LanguageSkill
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
languageIsoCode |
String(5) |
Required (ISO 639-1) |
spokenLevel |
String(64) |
Required ( |
writtenLevel |
String(64) |
Required ( |
11.1.10. ApplyChannel
Provide at least one channel for applications.
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
formUrl |
String(255) |
An online form where an applicant can apply |
Optional (Format: |
emailAddress |
String(50) |
An email address where an applicant can send their application |
Optional |
phoneNumber |
String(20) |
A phone number where an applicant can call |
Optional (Format: +41123456789) |
mailAddress |
String(255) |
A post address where an applicant can send their application |
Optional |
additionalInfo |
String(255) |
Currently not used, will be ignored |
Optional (do not use) |
11.1.11. PublicContact
Provide a public contact if you want to give applicants the opportunity to ask questions about the job. The contact details will be published.
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
salutation |
String(3) |
Required ( |
firstName |
String(50) |
Required |
lastName |
String(50) |
Required |
phone |
String(20) |
Optional (Format: +41123456789) (phone or email must be set) |
String(50) |
Optional (phone or email must be set) |
11.1.12. Publication
If the ad falls under the reporting obligation, the ad will be restricted for five business days. After that period, the ad will be published in the Job-Room public area if the publicDisplay flag is set, otherwise not.
Path | Type | Description | Constraints |
startDate |
String(10) |
When does the advertisement publication start |
Required (Format: 2018-01-20) |
endDate |
String(10) |
When does the advertisement publication end (max 60 days) |
Optional (Format: 2018-01-20) |
euresDisplay |
Boolean |
Should the job ad be displayed in Eures |
Required ( |
publicDisplay |
Boolean |
Should the job ad be displayed in Job-Room public area |
Required ( |
11.2. Request
"# Anforderungen
- Zwingende Baustellenkenntnisse im Hoch- und Tiefbau
- Kenntnisse in den Schalungssystemen Doka, Peri, Meva und Noe
- Sicherheitsschulung von Vorteil
- Handwerkliches Geschick
# Aufgaben
- Betonieren
- Ein- und Ausschalen
- Aufräumen der Baustelle
- Allgemeine Mithilfe auf Hoch- und Tiefbau Baustellen"
"name":"Muster AG",
"name":"Example company",
11.3. Response
The response provides the id needed to later retrieve the object via Get. The flag reportingObligation indicates whether the ad falls under the reporting obligation, based on the occupation code provided.
"id": "4feae516-d62c-11e9-ab5e-005056ac3479",
"status": "INSPECTING",
"sourceSystem": "API",
"externalReference": "1234",
"stellennummerEgov": "300002290",
"stellennummerAvam": null,
"fingerprint": null,
"reportingObligation": true,
"reportingObligationEndDate": null,
"reportToAvam": false,
"jobCenterCode": "BEAF0",
"approvalDate": null,
"rejectionDate": null,
"rejectionCode": null,
"rejectionReason": null,
"cancellationDate": null,
"cancellationCode": null,
"jobContent": {
"externalUrl": "",
"numberOfJobs": "1",
"jobDescriptions": [
"languageIsoCode": "de",
"title": "Bauarbeiter",
"# Anforderungen
- Zwingende Baustellenkenntnisse im Hoch- und Tiefbau
- Kenntnisse in den Schalungssystemen Doka, Peri, Meva und Noe
- Sicherheitsschulung von Vorteil
- Handwerkliches Geschick
# Aufgaben
- Betonieren
- Ein- und Ausschalen
- Aufräumen der Baustelle
- Allgemeine Mithilfe auf Hoch- und Tiefbau Baustellen"
"company": {
"name": "Muster AG",
"street": "Münsterstrasse",
"houseNumber": "9",
"postalCode": "3007",
"city": "Bern",
"countryIsoCode": "CH",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": null,
"postOfficeBoxPostalCode": null,
"postOfficeBoxCity": null,
"phone": "+41 32 123 45 67",
"email": "",
"website": "",
"surrogate": true
"employment": {
"startDate": "2020-01-20",
"endDate": null,
"shortEmployment": false,
"immediately": false,
"permanent": true,
"workloadPercentageMin": "100",
"workloadPercentageMax": "100",
"workForms": [
"location": {
"remarks": null,
"city": "Bern",
"postalCode": "3003",
"communalCode": "351",
"regionCode": "BE01",
"cantonCode": "BE",
"countryIsoCode": "CH",
"coordinates": null
"occupations": [
"avamOccupationCode": "102231",
"workExperience": "LESS_THAN_1_YEAR",
"educationCode": "132"
"languageSkills": [
"languageIsoCode": "de",
"spokenLevel": "PROFICIENT",
"writtenLevel": "INTERMEDIATE"
"applyChannel": {
"mailAddress": null,
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "+41 31 123 45 67",
"formUrl": null,
"additionalInfo": null
"publicContact": {
"salutation": "MR",
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Muster",
"phone": "+41 31 123 45 67",
"email": ""
"publication": {
"startDate": "2020-01-01",
"endDate": "2020-02-01",
"euresDisplay": true,
"euresAnonymous": false,
"publicDisplay": true,
"restrictedDisplay": true,
"companyAnonymous": false
11.4. Access token
An access token is returned in the response headers. The token can be used to check the state of jobs under the reporting obligation. The link is built according to the following pattern:{id of job-ad}?token={token}
Name |
Type |
Description |
token |
String |
The access token |
11.5. Response status
Code | Status | Description |
201 |
Created |
The job ad has been successfully created |
400 |
Bad Request |
The request was malformed or invalid |
401 |
Unauthorized |
User is not logged in |
403 |
Forbidden |
User has not the required permission to perform this action |
12. Get a job advertisement
The Get request returns the state of the data object. The response includes the flag reportingObligation und the date reportingObligationEndDate. This date is only set after approval by the PES (RAV), in case that the ad falls under the reporting obligation.
12.1. Request
Parameter | Constraints | Default | Description |
id |
Required |
The id of the job ad |
12.2. Response
"id": "4feae516-d62c-11e9-ab5e-005056ac3479",
"status": "INSPECTING",
"sourceSystem": "API",
"externalReference": "1234",
"stellennummerEgov": "300002290",
"stellennummerAvam": null,
"fingerprint": null,
"reportingObligation": true,
"reportingObligationEndDate": null,
"reportToAvam": false,
"jobCenterCode": "BEAF0",
"approvalDate": null,
"rejectionDate": null,
"rejectionCode": null,
"rejectionReason": null,
"cancellationDate": null,
"cancellationCode": null,
"jobContent": {
"externalUrl": "",
"numberOfJobs": "1",
"jobDescriptions": [
"languageIsoCode": "de",
"title": "Bauarbeiter",
"# Anforderungen
- Zwingende Baustellenkenntnisse im Hoch- und Tiefbau
- Kenntnisse in den Schalungssystemen Doka, Peri, Meva und Noe
- Sicherheitsschulung von Vorteil
- Handwerkliches Geschick
# Aufgaben
- Betonieren
- Ein- und Ausschalen
- Aufräumen der Baustelle
- Allgemeine Mithilfe auf Hoch- und Tiefbau Baustellen"
"company": {
"name": "Muster AG",
"street": "Münsterstrasse",
"houseNumber": "9",
"postalCode": "3007",
"city": "Bern",
"countryIsoCode": "CH",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": null,
"postOfficeBoxPostalCode": null,
"postOfficeBoxCity": null,
"phone": "+41 32 123 45 67",
"email": "",
"website": "",
"surrogate": true
"employment": {
"startDate": "2020-01-20",
"endDate": null,
"shortEmployment": false,
"immediately": false,
"permanent": true,
"workloadPercentageMin": "100",
"workloadPercentageMax": "100",
"workForms": [
"location": {
"remarks": null,
"city": "Bern",
"postalCode": "3003",
"communalCode": "351",
"regionCode": "BE01",
"cantonCode": "BE",
"countryIsoCode": "CH",
"coordinates": null
"occupations": [
"avamOccupationCode": "102231",
"workExperience": "LESS_THAN_1_YEAR",
"educationCode": "132"
"languageSkills": [
"languageIsoCode": "de",
"spokenLevel": "PROFICIENT",
"writtenLevel": "INTERMEDIATE"
"applyChannel": {
"mailAddress": null,
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "+41 31 123 45 67",
"formUrl": null,
"additionalInfo": null
"publicContact": {
"salutation": "MR",
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Muster",
"phone": "+41 31 123 45 67",
"email": ""
"publication": {
"startDate": "2020-01-01",
"endDate": "2020-02-01",
"euresDisplay": true,
"euresAnonymous": false,
"publicDisplay": true,
"restrictedDisplay": true,
"companyAnonymous": false
12.3. Response status
Code | Status | Description |
200 |
Ok |
The page with job ads has been returned |
401 |
Unauthorized |
User is not logged in |
403 |
Forbidden |
User has not the required permission to perform this action |
404 |
Not Found |
No Job ad has be found for the given id |
13. Get all job advertisements belonging to the owner
13.1. Request
Parameter | Constraints | Default | Description |
page |
Optional |
0 |
The page that should be returned |
size |
Optional |
25 |
The maximum number of elements on the page |
13.2. Response
"id": "4feae516-d62c-11e9-ab5e-005056ac3479",
"status": "INSPECTING",
"sourceSystem": "API",
"externalReference": "1234",
"stellennummerEgov": "300002290",
"stellennummerAvam": null,
"fingerprint": null,
"reportingObligation": true,
"reportingObligationEndDate": null,
"reportToAvam": false,
"jobCenterCode": "BEAF0",
"approvalDate": null,
"rejectionDate": null,
"rejectionCode": null,
"rejectionReason": null,
"cancellationDate": null,
"cancellationCode": null,
"jobContent": {
"externalUrl": "",
"numberOfJobs": "1",
"jobDescriptions": [
"languageIsoCode": "de",
"title": "Bauarbeiter",
"# Anforderungen
- Zwingende Baustellenkenntnisse im Hoch- und Tiefbau
- Kenntnisse in den Schalungssystemen Doka, Peri, Meva und Noe
- Sicherheitsschulung von Vorteil
- Handwerkliches Geschick
# Aufgaben
- Betonieren
- Ein- und Ausschalen
- Aufräumen der Baustelle
- Allgemeine Mithilfe auf Hoch- und Tiefbau Baustellen"
"company": {
"name": "Muster AG",
"street": "Münsterstrasse",
"houseNumber": "9",
"postalCode": "3007",
"city": "Bern",
"countryIsoCode": "CH",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": null,
"postOfficeBoxPostalCode": null,
"postOfficeBoxCity": null,
"phone": "+41 32 123 45 67",
"email": "",
"website": "",
"surrogate": true
"employment": {
"startDate": "2020-01-20",
"endDate": null,
"shortEmployment": false,
"immediately": false,
"permanent": true,
"workloadPercentageMin": "100",
"workloadPercentageMax": "100",
"workForms": [
"location": {
"remarks": null,
"city": "Bern",
"postalCode": "3003",
"communalCode": "351",
"regionCode": "BE01",
"cantonCode": "BE",
"countryIsoCode": "CH",
"coordinates": null
"occupations": [
"avamOccupationCode": "102231",
"workExperience": "LESS_THAN_1_YEAR",
"educationCode": "132"
"languageSkills": [
"languageIsoCode": "de",
"spokenLevel": "PROFICIENT",
"writtenLevel": "INTERMEDIATE"
"applyChannel": {
"mailAddress": null,
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "+41 31 123 45 67",
"formUrl": null,
"additionalInfo": null
"publicContact": {
"salutation": "MR",
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Muster",
"phone": "+41 31 123 45 67",
"email": ""
"publication": {
"startDate": "2020-01-01",
"endDate": "2020-02-01",
"euresDisplay": true,
"euresAnonymous": false,
"publicDisplay": true,
"restrictedDisplay": true,
"companyAnonymous": false
Name | Description |
content |
The list of job advertisements |
currentElements |
The number of job advertisements on this page |
currentPage |
The current page number |
first |
last |
totalElements |
The total number of job advertisements on all pages |
totalPages |
The total number of pages |
13.3. Response status
Code | Status | Description |
200 |
Ok |
The page with job ads has been returned |
401 |
Unauthorized |
User is not logged in |
403 |
Forbidden |
User has not the required permission to perform this action |
14. Filter by status
Get all job advertisements belonging to the owner, filtered by status
14.1. Request
"status": ["INSPECTING", "REJECTED"]
The request must indicate one or more valid statuses.
Parameter | Constraints | Default | Description |
page |
Optional |
0 |
The page that should be returned |
size |
Optional |
25 |
The maximum number of elements on the page |
sort |
Optional |
Sort list by updated_time (either ASC or DESC) |
14.2. Response
The response structure is identical to the case above, see Response
Name | Description |
content |
The list of job advertisements |
currentElements |
The number of job advertisements on this page |
currentPage |
The current page number |
first |
last |
totalElements |
The total number of job advertisements on all pages |
totalPages |
The total number of pages |
14.3. Response status
Code | Status | Description |
200 |
Ok |
The page with job ads has been returned |
401 |
Unauthorized |
User is not logged in |
403 |
Forbidden |
User has not the required permission to perform this action |
15. Update a job advertisement
Update possibility not available at the moment.
16. Cancel a job advertisement
16.1. Request
Parameter | Constraints | Default | Description |
id |
Required |
The id of the job ad |
code |
Required |
The cancellation reason code |
16.2. Response
No body
16.3. Response status
Code | Status | Description |
204 |
No Content |
The job ad has been successfully updated |
400 |
Bad Request |
The request was malformed or invalid |
401 |
Unauthorized |
User is not logged in |
403 |
Forbidden |
User has not the required permission to perform this action |
404 |
Not Found |
No job ad with the given stellennummerEgov was found |
17. Code lists
17.1. Formats
17.1.1. Dates
The dates are send as string in the ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD
17.1.2. Languages
The languages are sent as string with the ISO 639-1 code (e.g. "de") List of supported languages
17.1.3. Countries
The Countries are sent as string with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (e.g. "ch")
17.1.4. Phone numbers
The phone numbers are sent as string in the format "+41123456789" (Regex "[+][1-9][0-9]{7,18}"). The phone numbers are also validated using the utility.
17.2. Status of a job advertisement
Value | Description |
The job ad has been passed to AVAM system and is waiting for validation |
The job ad has been rejected by the public employment agency |
The job ad is approved and is only displayed to registered jobseekers (due to reporting obligation) |
The job ad is displayed for everyone |
The job ad has been cancelled |
The publication reached its end of life and is archived |
17.3. Salutations
Value | Description |
MR |
MS |
17.4. Work forms
Value | Description |
17.5. Work experience
Value | Description |
17.6. Spoken and written levels
Value | Description |
17.7. Cancellation reason codes
Value | German | English | French | Italian |
Sie konnten die Stelle besetzen in Zusammenarbeit mit der regionalen Arbeitsvermittlung (RAV) |
You were able to fill the position in cooperation with the regional employment centre (RAV) |
Vous avez pu pourvoir le poste en collaboration avec l’Office régional de placement (ORP) |
Ha potuto assegnare il posto in collaborazione con l’Ufficio regionale di collocamento (URC) |
Sie konnten die Stelle besetzen in Zusammenarbeit mit der privaten Arbeitsvermittlung (pAV) |
You were able to fill the position in cooperation with a private employment agency |
Vous avez pu pourvoir le poste en collaboration avec un placeur privé |
Ha potuto assegnare il posto in collaborazione con un’agenzia privata di collocamento |
Sie konnten die Stelle selber besetzen mit einer Kandidatin/einem Kandidaten aus Job-Room |
Your were able to fill the position yourself with a candidate from Job-Room |
Vous avez pu pourvoir le poste par vous-même avec un/une candidat/e de Job-Room |
Hai potuto assegnare il posto a un candidato di Job-Room |
Sie konnten die Stelle selber besetzen anderweitig |
Your were able to fill the position yourself with a candidate not from Job-Room |
Vous avez pu pourvoir le poste par vous-même par un autre moyen que Job-Room |
Hai potuto assegnare il posto a un’altra persona |
Sie konnten die Stelle nicht besetzen |
You were unable to fill the position |
Vous n’avez pas pu pourvoir le poste |
Non ha potuto assegnare il posto |
Sie möchten die Ausschreibung ändern oder neu erfassen |
You want to change or repost the position |
- |
- |
17.8. AVAM education code
Code | German | English | French | Italian |
130 |
Weiterführende Schule (Sek. II |
Secondary school (upper-secondary education) |
Ecole supérieure (Sec. II) |
Scuola superiore (Sec. II) |
131 |
Berufliche Grundbildung EBA oder äquivalent |
Vocational education and training with the Swiss Federal VET Certificate or equivalent |
Formation professionnelle initiale AFP ou équivalent |
Formazione professionale di base CFP o equivalente |
132 |
Berufliche Grundbildung EFZ oder äquivalent |
Vocational education and training with the Swiss Federal VET Diploma or equivalent |
Formation professionnelle initiale CFC ou équivalent |
Formazione professionale di base AFC o equivalente |
133 |
Fachmittelschule oder äquivalent |
Upper-secondary specialised school or equivalent |
Ecole de culture générale ou équivalent |
Scuola specializzata o equivalente |
134 |
Berufsmaturität oder äquivalent |
Vocational and professional school-leaving certificate or equivalent |
Maturité professionnelle ou équivalent |
Maturità professionale o equivalente |
135 |
Fachmaturität oder äquivalent |
Specialised school-leaving certificate or equivalent |
Maturité spécialisée ou équivalent |
Maturità specializzata o equivalente |
136 |
Gymnasiale Maturität oder äquivalent |
Baccalaureate school-leaving certificate or equivalent |
Maturité gymnasiale ou équivalent |
Maturità liceale o equivalente |
150 |
Höhere Berufsbildung, eidg. FA oder äquivalent |
Higher professional education and training, Swiss Federal PET diploma or equivalent |
Formation professionnelle supérieure BF ou équivalent |
Formazione professionale superiore APF o equivalente |
160 |
Höhere Berufsbildung, Diplom oder äquivalent |
Higher professional education and training, diploma or equivalent |
Formation professionnelle supérieure, diplôme ou équivalent |
Formazione professionale superiore, diploma o equivalente |
170 |
Bachelor Fachhochschule oder äquivalent |
Bachelor’s degree from a university of applied sciences or equivalent |
Bachelor HES ou équivalent |
Bachelor SUP o equivalente |
171 |
Bachelor universitäre Hochschule oder äquivalent |
Bachelor’s degree from a university or equivalent |
Bachelor HEU ou équivalent |
Bachelor scuola univ./poli. o equivalente |
172 |
Master Fachhochschule oder äquivalent |
Master’s degree from a university of applied sciences or equivalent |
Master HES ou équivalent |
Master SUP o equivalente |
173 |
Master universitäre Hochschule oder äquivalent |
Master’s degree from a university or equivalent |
Master HEU ou équivalent |
Master scuola univ./poli. o equivalente |
180 |
Doktorat universitäre Hochschule oder äquivalent |
Doctorate from a university or equivalent |
Doctorat HEU ou équivalent |
Dottorato scuola univ./poli. o equivalente |
17.9. AVAM occupation code
Refer to separate Excel sheet. The occupation list helps you determine the correct occupation code to provide to the API. The occupation code is required to determine whether a job vacancy falls under the registration requirement.
The revised AVAM occupation list is now available. This list has gone into effect on January 1, 2020. The new Excel sheet includes a mapping from the old to the new occupation codes to help API users prepare for the change.